A Dragon’s Peace

What is A Dragon’s Peace?

I’ve asked myself that for quite some time now.

As a single Mom in the corporate world, I’ve been a fire breathing Dragon for some time, and a lone Wolf.  Burning down and ripping to shreds all the impediments and boudnaries that were standing in my way in an effort to give each of my three boys the best of every opportunity that I could provide or put them in the vicinity of, and to provide for them.

A few years ago, I looked up from my jobs and I felt like my world was falling apart.  I was still breathing fire and taking out what I perceived to be enemies to the endeavor of raising my kids.  I panicked.  It’s that simple.

Last year, about this time of year, I looked up and with great effort from my boys who are now men, I realized – they were grown and doing a wonderful job of living their own lives.  I realized I didn’t have to work so hard anymore.  Mach 5 with my hair on fire as one of my Aunt’s used to like to say.  What in the hell was I going to do with the 90% of time I had that was unoccupied?!  I had no idea.

Over the last year I’ve had to deal with some of my own demons and dragons.  Cleaning out the dungeons so to speak,  I’ve been a Mom and Career woman for so long, I literally forgot who Wendi Lynn was.  Much like Eat, Pray, Love – I’ve been on a journey to enjoy and take pleasure in life again.  To find that zest for life that I had when my kids were young and we played and played.  Only this go round, the child that needed to play was my own inner child.  What I found when I was cleaning out the dungeons and working to find what it was that I enjoyed doing was a hurt child of my own.

I’m finishing up on a book, Rhaelyn, that kind of explores some of the aspects of my dungeons, and also highlights areas that were fun and happy.  A Dragon’s Peace is about being at peace with my life experience.  The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly (Thank you Mr. Eastwood).  I think somewhere that we’ve forgotten we have to have negative experiences in order to appreciate the positive experiences.  My question has always been, how negative does it have to be before we finally choose the positive?

My standard response from now on – Love or above.

I haven’t loved writing the book.  It’s been difficult because it deals with difficult and complex areas of my life.  I’d write a while until I came upon something that would make me stand up and deal with the negative aspects of a narration so that I could get to a positive way of thinking about it.  In short, what lesson could I take away from the experience?  That can sometimes take a bit of time to sort through.  Sometimes the take away was still negative though less negative than before.

A Dragon’s Peace is about appreciating all of my aspects.  All the pieces that make up ..well, Me.

I am fortunate enough to now know something so fundamental it startled me and made me laugh, and cry – at the same time.  We are never alone. Someone, somewhere understands.

The Teacher will appear with the student is ready.  I am so very grateful my Teacher appeared last year.

This Dragon is well on her way into Peace.





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