CBD / Hemp

I mentioned in the About Me section that I was going to support and recommend some of the products and services that helped me get through the this last year of my life (2017-2018).  It makes me a little uncomfortable to push products, but I’ve come to the conclusion that I recommend things to friends and family and am not deterred from my own results.

I mentioned also that I had to deal with some dragons and demons.  A couple of those dragons were grief and depression.  After the death of my Grand Mother, I was flat on my face.  Two very difficult emotions to drag myself out of.  Very close friends and family have had to lead me around and give me direction.  It’s been a tough time for everyone.

Two years ago was REALLY BAD.  I had ZERO motivation for anything.  Didn’t care.  At ALL.  Which was completely unlike me.  Somehow I managed to drag my butt to the computer and do some research and found a company called Real Scientific in the UK.  They were doing research on CBD oil and had been in business the longest.  They had also done the most research on CBD/Hemp oils and have perfected the distillition techniques. The bonus – no psychedellic effects.  It’s organic and natural.  All the medical benefits of Marijuana, less than 3% of the THC that is found in marijuana. It was a little expensive, but I was willing to do whatever it took to just feel better.  I ordered it and waited two weeks for it to arrive.  I think they were the longest two weeks of my life.

The 4oz package finally arrived.  The instructions were simple; 1/4 tsp under the tongue before bed.  Well, me being the person that I am, and feeling as badly as I did and the package coming in the middle of the day – I tore the package open and took it right them, walked up the stairs and went to bed.  Do not pass go, do not collect $200.  I slept for nearly 12 hours.  When I woke up at 6am the next morning – I could tell a difference.  I BIG difference.  I wasn’t out of the woods, and I wasn’t feeling 100%, not even close.  I DID feel better.  I was beginning to feel a glimmer of me again and not some walking zombie on the edge of apocolypse.

I began taking the CBD/Hemp oil daily and slowly began to come out whatever it was that I was in.  Looking back today, I can say that I was in a deep state of depression and grief.  As a woman post-menopausal, I take it daily at night to help me sleep.  It has other benefits as well as an antidepressant and anti-anxiety.  It helps naturally put back in the estrogen my body needs to function.  It has enormously helped my appetite come back.  There for a while, I was hovering around 108 pounds.  Very scary.  I looked like death was knocking on my door.  The pictures up on my pages were taken last week (June 2018).  I told my oldest son that I believe health has returned.

I’ve been taking the Real Scientific and have tried other versions of CBD/Hemp Oil.  Both American and European.  As prices continue to go up for the product, I had to locate a company that made it affordable so that I could actually buy into the product line and promote it.

I finally found one.  An American based company (because Americans need the business, given our national debt…we need to start manufacturing our own products and promoting those products)  The company is CTFO.

I love them.  Very simply.  I use the CTFO CBD 1500 mg for post-menopausal estrogen replacement and mood-balance.  They are comparable to the Real Scientific (as a consumer) and costs less.  I’m a sucker for a good product that is affordable and covers an array of issues.

I’m not even gonna try and skirt that I did buy into the company and I am an associate for CTFO.  I was a customer of the product a year before it hit the states.  As an American Investor – seemed reasonable to me to invest in something that I believed in.

If you think it may help you -check out my web-site below.  Becoming an associate isn’t necessary, you can buy the product as a customer for however long you like.  Having said that though, its cheaper in the long run you decide on regular use.


be safe – buy organic and natural.

be healthy – buy organic and natural products that support your body, not supress it.

be happy – invest and take control of your own health.