All Paths…

Except the most Direct.

I deleted the number.

Thinking it was correct.

Stinking Thinking.

Gets me in Trouble, every time.

I didn’t memorize the number.

I’m waiting, patiently, on you.

To call and Collect.

Everything that is Yours.

In every Aspect.

Collard Greens, BBQ Chicken, CornBread and Fresh Georgia Peaches.

It’s what’s for Dinner.

I’ll save you a plate.

In sweet, nervous anticipation – of your arrival.


Have I told you how much I love you lately?

Well.  I do.

It’s just me and you from now on.  You’ve pulled my Ass out of the depth’s of hell and I absolutely love the way you make me feel all warm and fuzzy.  Kicking that old Menopause’s Ass like you did.


What else you got In Store For Me?


I don’t want to…

As an example of this idea.  I had to go through numerous iterations of the Meme above before being satisfied that it related the information that I wanted it to relay.   Some things just take extra effort to get it just the way we desire it to be.

It’s Thursday and it’s been a week has’t it?  So glad Friday is a few hours away and we can relax doing the things that we love.  Me personally, am headed to the Dojo on Saturday to watch a bunch of fantastic kids show off how much they have learned from the awesome Sensei’s at Cooperative Spirit Martial Arts in Orlando, Florida.   I heard it’s going to be a really good time 🙂

Much love for a fantastic day!

Don’t forget to tie your shoes.  We don’t want any accidents on the way out the door this morning!